Tuesday, September 8, 2015

August 31st-September 7th, 2015


Sorry we couldn't write yesterday!! I knew all day that mom would be freaking out. I was just praying in my heart that you wouldn't call the mission in a panic hahaha. Yeah all the libraries were closed for the holiday so we're just emailing today :) Hope you had a good holiday! BBQs galore in this place. You're emails are the best haha poor mom stranded at Alta, Dad having the coolest shave ice machine and feeding nations with it (your welcome, my idea) Devin getting ENGAGED! Dust lookin for work and doing school about to graduate, and T bear being the funniest person alive. I love you guys more and more every day. Keep doing amazing things.
Yes mom I got your package THANK YOU! It was truly like Christmas. Sis Walker and I are very grateful :) We use that hand cream every 5 seconds it's the real deal. So awesome, you're the best. Yeah it's still wicked hot here, so don't need to send winter stuff yet. I'll let you know though :)

This week was awesome!!! We had so many solid appointments this week. Rickey still on track to be baptized on September 26 (Alli Wrigh't bday...holla) can't wait! Ashley and Zach and Jaysmine continuing to read the BOM and loving it, Dominique texting us back once every 5 texts we send, but hey, we'll take what we can get. Pascal still being a GENIUS.
We are trying really hard to set a baptisimal date with Ashley Zach and maybe Jaysmine... because Ashley and Zach have already been taught by other missionaries, they're ready. They just need to commit. They don't want to leave the other church they've been going to all their lives though. I get that, but we had a whole lesson about how Christ has ONE church on the earth, and how they can be a part of that! We said a kneeling prayer with them about baptism, it was really cool. They both bore their testimonies on Sunday and it was the cutest!!! I felt like a parent with my child up there. I was beaming hahaha. We need to explain more what a testimony is though because they both gave a full on tribute to me and sister walker hahah people are gonna think we paid them to say all these things about us! But it was awesome. Ashley's opening line: "Afternoon ya'll. I'm sorry we weren't at ya'lls church LAST week, Zach didn't want to come." *Zach stands up in the congregation and lets everyone know he goes to church every Sunday lol* Ashley continues: "but we been readin the Book of Mormon... and I actually understand it!!" *she starts clapping for herself lol* I love them so much. So this week our focus will be taking the belief they have and acting!!! AKA baptism.
We had an entire lesson this week about the Fall of Adam and Eve with Pascal. He was having a hard time grasping what we were talking about, but we gave him a lot of good scriptural references that stopped him in his tracks!! So we're really hoping he studies out for himself this week. He ponders everything like super hard core. We know he's reading everything he can about the Fall right now. He's so smart and awesome. He also taught us a way cool Nigerian handshake that I feel really cool doing.

We had Transfer Calls this week, we're staying! We pretty much already knew that since I'm getting trained. The training process is 12 weeks, but you never know. The other sisters in our district are getting split because the trainer got called to be a sister training leader. We're sad to see her go. But when we got the call Sister Walker and I started chanting "six more weeks! six more weeks!" there was silence on the other end of the phone.... political jokes. We're super excited for the new transfer though. It's gonna be awesome!!!!
We taught Gospel Principles this week again and the only thing I could think about was how everyone thinks my dad is a criminal hahaha I should clear that up. I was going to this week but forgot!!! It was a good lesson though.
We have so much to be happy about, so many reasons to rejoice. This Gospel is amazing. Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. He will never stop loving us and helping us on the path back to Him. I love you guys, remember you can do all things! Have a great week! You're the best ever!! I pray and think about you daily, and I couldn't do this work without you!!!

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