Wednesday, January 18, 2017

December 26th - January 2nd, 2017

Family! Hello.

This week was good. I'm trying to remember what happened haha. It seems like a blur!! We taught a lot of cool people. Bruce, Jim, Ovitts, Higgins, Leila, Mary Anne... love them all! The things that stand out to me the most this week was teaching the Higgins and bringing hope and love to a broken family. We gave the Higgins boys pictures of Jesus for Christmas and they put them on their bed so they see it all the time ❤ We also gave them prayer rocks a while ago and when we asked Dominic if he prayed he said "yes because i hit my head on my rock." i was like "perfect." haha. They came to church and FINALLY stayed for Primary and they loved it. We taught them about the Sabbath Day this week, it was the funniest thing ever. We brought all our condiments like ranch, ketchup, mustard, syrup, bbq sauce, shake shake cheese, and just all this stuff. On the way we stopped at McDonalds and got two ice cream sundaes and hid them in our bags haha. We start the lesson and pull out the condiments one by one asking them if they like them! They said they liked almost all of them. So we're like perfect, we brought you ice cream sundaes and we know you like this stuff so we're just going to put in on. I start dumping ranch and bbq sauce on and the look on their face was priceless. They were so upset hahahaha. I was like "what you said you like these things!!" They said "yeah but not on an ice cream sundae!" So we went on to talk about how there are many good things we can do with our time, but some are not good to do on Sunday :) 

So i can't remember if i told ya'll that the Bishop challenged us to contact every member of the ward and it has been hilarious. There are members that live in the full blown WILDERNESS it seems like! So many people on our ward list that nobody knows if they exist or really live there.... so we've been trying to find them. It has resulted into driving into ditches, accidentally driving into grassy fields and not being able to find the way out, crawling past windows, running away when automatic lights turn on, sneaking into gated communities, and a LOT of getting lost haha. Being a missionary is basically like being a secret agent. We've almost done the whole ward though! 

I'm SO EXCITED for Kurt and Emily's sealing on Saturday!!!!
I can't believe it's 2017. I hope you all thought about ways you can be better this year. It's all about improvement and progression.

1. lost inside the gated community and Bailey's car wouldn't go up the hill
2. the Lewis family ❤
3. Noah Higgins ❤
4. Me and Noah waiting for his dad after church 
5. sneaking past purple trees ( in MO if people paint their trees purple it means they will shoot you haha. we're committed to win the challenge though)

I love you guys! Have a great week!!! Thank you for the continued love and support! 

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